Journey Together, Illuminate from Within

Subscribe monthly for only $79 and access a calendar of complimentary, curated experiences each week. Participate in what enriches you, and take steps at your own pace. With several different entry points into our community, find a level of commitment that feels right to you.

Our intentional community working with a common toolkit creates the potential for deep self-transformation and impactful personal growth.

Benefits of Membership

  • Readings & Healing Sessions

    Be the benefit of the collective learning and focus each month by receiving as many healings and readings as you can handle from your gifted and talented peers. Just RSVP right in the community and show up - no charge, and no other commitment. Online and in person sessions are available!

  • Practicums

    Our weekly schedule of time to practice your tools, and what you are learning in your various classes and trainings. Self-select from the calendar, with just and RSVP - no long term commitments required. Daytime, evening, and weekend times appropriate for all time zones are available in 75 minute time slots so you can easily incorporate them into your day! New in 2024 - in person Practicum times in Portland, Oregon!

  • Networking

    A community of seekers and healers all working with the same toolkit and in alignment creates a powerful network of peers to exchange with in a trusted space of equity and collaboration. Make lasting connections and find your spiritual community in a structured and safe space with clear agreements.

  • Electives

    Longer format classes on the topics, areas of focus, and spaces you are interested in and attracted to learning about. This includes in person retreats we hold each year! There's no hierarchy or prescribed path here, it's choose your own adventure all the way. Most electives are 4, 8, 10, or 18 weeks long - but there are also single event workshops and weekend intensives.

  • Workshops

    Every month we host complimentary topic based workshops to our members to review core concepts and tools, go deeper into things we often only have time breeze through in classes, and update your working relationship as your grow, to what we teach. This includes topic based reading and healing exchanges overseen by our faculty.

  • Support

    Our teachers offer discounted rates for members; so your membership gives you access to deep discounts for professional level support as low as $49 a session. This includes those engaging in a professional teaching or reading and healing practice.

  • Focused Communities

    Members who have completed specific tool tracks and classes related to key awarenesses are able to continue their self-study with targeted group and 1:1 experiences in a held, curated, and supportive space. Continue your self-directed journey with others of similar interest.

  • Retreats & In Person Learning

    Online classes are fabulous and open up wide vistas to connect with others on a global level. But nothing is as magical as being in the room together, working consciousness tools with others committed to mastering their craft. We offer a slate of retreats and in-person learning to connect!

  • Professional Practice Community

    A safe place and a supportive group of those on a path of sharing their gifts with the world in an exciting and validating way. Get the support you seek in the form of specialty workshops, care and maintenance sessions, community, and more.

Elective Classes, Workshops, and Sessions

Click each area of study below to learn a bit more about it - full details, including elective class schedules, are available to members once you join.